Chapter Fifty Seven

That night, Cynthia was tied to another chair beside her junior brother. She was surprised. Jamy had also disarmed Shane and Timothy. She left them all until the morning and he woke them all. When Shane and Timothy woke up, they were surprised to see themselves in handcuff. The face of the day was clearer and he also untied the cloth he tied on Cynthia’s mouth.

“What’s going on?” Shane asked tweaking his head around.

Shane was already struggling to remove the handcuff while Timothy was already left emotional and didn’t know what Jamy was up to. The gun he saw in his hand wasn’t a typical gun. He knew that Jamy was up to something.

“Jamy!!! Why do you put me in an handcuff?” Shane asked.

“Jamy, please. Release me. What do I do?” Timothy pleaded.

Cynthia was there gazing at his brother who was already losing consciousness. Cynthia began to cry. She knew she was helpless. She didn’t inform anyone before coming because she knew how despicable Herbert Halloway’s men could be. He did everyt
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