At The River Bank

" Yes, the king and I have switched bodies."

" Then where is his majesty ?" Feddrick was already frightened.

" His soul is inside my body, I must get back my body. But I cannot seem to retrieve my energy. I need you to help me." He said almost losing his breath due to his weak body.

" Master. I do not know how the Wizardry Of Souls works."

" Go to Greham's Secret Room and bring me the Soul Ejector. I will teach you how the Wizardry Of Souls works". Master Daniel Donovan said. Feddrick narrates how he got to understand that some Soul Shifters lose their energy when they shift their souls to a weak body to his chief executor.

" He could not retrieve his energy due to the weak body he was in, which was why I was given the chance. I was lucky." Feddrick said within him to no one's hearing leaving a Stony smile as usual.

" Burn the bodies". He ordered the bodies of which the soul shifters had sapped life from to be burnt to ashes.

While Feddrick's chief executor was on the field
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