red shadow

Right now, Daemon was only left with just one more task to complete, which was to find a staff from DOMAIN cooperation and obliterate him. Then the other was to cultivate for at least three hours daily.

Fortunately, the system took the time when he banged Jane as cultivation, meaning that he had only two more days to cultivate, which he would actually prefer three hours of meditation.

After three hours, it was nearly ten o'clock in the morning, but Daemon had already arrived at DOMAIN cooperation and had even completed the quest by killing one DOMAIN cooperation worker who happened to be an operator.

He used a knife to obliterate the operator while wearing a mask and a hand glove.


When returning home, he branched out to the same restaurant and had his fill before returning to his room in the hotel.

He was kinda worked out, so he just chilled on the bed for a while till his head was calm again because he had gone through a lot today.

Killing was not as simple as it appears,
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