"How long has he been in darkness?"

"Ever since I got into the werewolf kingdom." Prince Nicholas answered. All the leaders were in the dining hall having dinner in the werewolf kingdom. It was in celebration of their victory.

Lily put a forkful of chicken into her mouth then sipped from her wine. "How did it happen?"

The prince recounted the whole story and the commander gave desolate sigh.

"The doctors?" She raised an eyebrow. "Have you taken him to other kingdoms? They could have the antidote." Lily ended with a shrug, watching princess Laura feed her father.

Nicholas took a sip from his wine. "We've called all the doctors, magicians and healers we know and there as been no change. "

Lily felt pity for the werewolf king. She couldn't imagine being a leader and not having her eyes working. She wouldn't be able to lead the war if she was blind. "The kaayan healer could be of help."

"Lily, we've had a lot of doctors come in from different kingdoms but there hasn't been any changes
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