Chapter 6

Aster continued to scream with all his might even though his mouth was too heavy to speak because he was underwater. But when he felt that nothing could help him, he finally used Zoresia's wand and cast a spell.

 "Zo-zo-fa fafano!" with a nervous tone, Aster towards the ink in front of him.

 Instantly the black ink that had been billowing, now disappeared and his vision was clear again. He continued his journey again.

Instantly the black ink that had been billowing, now disappeared and his vision was clear again. He continued his journey again. 

Throughout his journey, Aster was confused about where else the giant red spotted shark would go. Tired of wanting to despair immediately invaded his heart. 

He immediately stopped his journey and then leaned under a large coral reef because just in case wild sea animals would attack him again. 

"I'm very tired. I just want to go back to the palace," Aster said to himself. 

As he was sitting reading the book he was holding, suddenly there was a black shadow above him that looked very large. 

A pair of eyes immediately turned upwards to see what beast was passing above him. It turned out to be the red spotted shark he was looking for. 

His eyes immediately lit up when he saw the shark. His spirit was revived and he intended to follow where the shark went because it happened to be walking slowly. 

He walked around thinking for a while, and finally got an idea if he wanted to get inside the red spotted shark's belly. 

Then he took a way to get the red spotted shark to eat it whole. He immediately fished out the shark using his rod. 

"Zozofa fafano! Zozofa fafano!" Aster again cast his spell on the red spotted shark so the shark could see it and eat it. 

It turned out to be true, the shark immediately turned around and walked straight towards Aster. There was a feeling of fear in his heart but he had to be able to get into the shark's belly. 

The shark approached him in an open mouth position. Then he tried to swim up to the shark's mouth quickly and finally managed to get into the stomach in his intact body. 

Aster immediately looked for pearls attached to the stomach wall. Although slippery, he still walked along the belly of the fish. 

After looking around the hull, he finally saw a pearl in the upper hull. In the end he chose to pick it up using his stick because the conditions inside the shark's stomach were very slippery. 

"Zozofa fafano!" shouted Aster who managed to make the shark's stomach not slimy so it could climb it easily. 

After successfully taking the pearl, Aster opened his book again to read how to attach pearls to the necklace he was wearing. 

Then he immediately placed the pearl between the letters A and C. Instantly the pearls immediately fused. 

After the pearl was set perfectly, a white light re-emerged from the necklace she was wearing and blinded the entire hull of the shark so Aster couldn't see around. 

As the light gradually faded, Aster's vision became inside the palace within the forest again. How happy he was because he managed to get the course pearl in the shark's belly. 

He immediately looked at her necklace which was getting more beautiful combined with red pearls. Just as he was about to turn the book to the next page, Queen Louis suddenly appeared before him. 

"Wait Aster! Don't turn to the next page!" cried Queen Louis preventing Aster's hand from turning to the next page. 

"Queen Louis? Why is that? Isn't the sooner the better? Your kingdom will also be stronger in this forest?" Aster asked curiously. 

"Aster, the next page will take you to a snowy place. There are many hungry wolves. There is almost no house to hide. Are you ready to fight the wolves?" replied Queen Louis again. 

Hearing Queen Louis' words, made him think twice. But he remembers his original goal was to return to the real world and succeed in saving the Zefano kingdom. 

"Queen Louis, calm down. I'll make sure you can beat them. I'll try and make sure I'm okay. I already have this magic wand. I always use it on my travels," Aster said confidently that she would survive. . 

"Okay. But this time I will accompany you. We will go there together. Now my hand is holding the next page of the book so I can come with you. Let's do it now!" Queen Louis immediately held the page of the book that Aster had opened. 

Instantly the atmosphere that was in the palace, now turned into a place full of snow. No houses or passers-by. 

"Queen Louis, this place is very cold for those of us who don't wear thick jackets," Aster said as she hugged herself. 

"Relax Aster, you can use your wand to turn things around here into jackets," said Queen Louis who gave her opinion. 

Aster immediately took a twig from a fallen pine tree on the snow. He instantly turned the twig into a thick jacket. 

How happy he was when he got the jacket. Only then did they continue their journey to find crystal stones. 

On the sidelines of his journey, he also opened the instructions in the book. Because the snow field is very wide and there are rarely any trees. 

"Aster, this book says that we have to walk another three kilometers to reach the pine forest," said Queen Louis, pointing south. 

"Okay, we will look for crystal stones there. Hopefully there are no obstacles that hinder our journey," Aster replied as he closed his book again. 

They immediately rushed to continue their journey again. However, in the middle of their journey, there was a group of white bears wandering around. 

They were at a loss as to how to safely pass the bear. Finally Aster used his wand to turn the bear into a statue. 

Just as he was about to point his wand at the bear, Aster's hand was suddenly attacked by a white bear from behind which caused his wand to fall and break. 

Seeing Aster in danger, Queen Louis tried to help her. Meanwhile Aster kept hitting the bear's body with all his might. 

Meanwhile, Queen Louis uses her wand to quickly turn a bear into a statue. 

Instantly the bear immediately released Aster's body from his grasp. Seeing his broken wand, Aster felt sad. 

She wept as she put down her wand which had been split in two. When her tears fell and dripped on the stick, suddenly the stick came back intact. 

Aster immediately hugged his wand because he was very happy to be back as before. When he rose from his crotch and was about to continue his journey again, suddenly a group of bears that had been in the distance, has now surrounded him and Queen Louis.

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