Chapter 29

Aster immediately walked over to his father. In fact, he immediately hugged the body of the old man in front of him while crying.

“Dad, it's me Aster Cruise who has been missing for years, and beyond that are my friends who have been helping me all along,” Aster tried to explain to his father to believe him.

Hearing Aster's words, Mr. Robert immediately fell silent and cried. He even rubbed his son's face gently. Meanwhile, Mrs. Jenny suddenly stood up and hugged her child.

“Are you my lost child? My son has returned, this is the Mother who has been waiting for you to come home, son,” said Mrs. Jenny, looking at her child's face gently.

Meanwhile, Mr. Robert was surprised when he saw his wife, who suddenly stood up and hugged Aster.

“Honey, you can stand! This is so magical!” Mr. Robert said with surprised words.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Jenny has not realized that at this time she can stand even while hugging Aster's body.

Aster who saw that his parents had trusted him, he felt
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