Griffin called for a cab as he made way to a phone repair shop. 

It was a good thing that they finally had made progress finding this Aaron kid. He was going to make sure he found this killer so that he would like happily ever with his father. 

He walked into the phone repair shop and ringed the bell. 

A man with piercings all over his ears and nose stepped out. His face broke in all smiles as he saw Griffin. 

"Well, If it isn't the man who can do all"

"What's up, Doug" Griffin asked as they both did a handshake. 

"I've been good. So what brings you to my place?"

"I need a little favour from you"

Disappointment washed over Doug's face "You only come when you need something, I see"

"I promise to make it up to you, man"

"So shoot. What do you need my help for?"

Griffin handed him his phone. "I need you to trace the last location of a phone call for me"

Doug took his phone. "Easy peasy. Who is it this time?"

"A witness"

Doug went over to his laptop as he started doing his thing. "I wonder how you can sleep at night. Your work require you seeing a lot of blood."

Griffin looked around the shop as if he were searching for something. 

"She ain't here"Doug said looking up from his laptop. 

"I wasn't..."

Doug grinned. "Don't try to deny it. I'll let her know that you searched for her. Trust me "

Griffin scratched the back of his head feeling shy. 

He'd once gotten involved with Doug's sister, Brittany but things had ended badly between them. 

It was the first time he'd let anyone get close to him since after his father but she'd ended things with him. 

She didn't tell him the reason why. She just up and left. 

"Done"Doug shouted as Griffin ran over his side. "There's the address"

Griffin scribbled it down on a piece of paper. "Thanks buddy. I owe you one" he called out as he rushed out of the shop. 

He quickly hailed a cab as he jumped in. 

The driver took him to his destination. He paid him as he climbed out of the car. 

He put his hand in his pocket as he stood Infront of the bar. 

He should probably change his clothes so that he doesn't cause a stirr right?. 

He headed into a nearby clothing store and changed into a black leather jean and jacket and put on a black hat. 

He made his way once more into the bar. 

Now how would he start his questioning without looking suspicious?. 

He headed towards the bartender and ordered for a drink. 

"Water, please"

The girl smiled. "You are cop?"

Griffin's eyes widened. Did he give it away by mistake?

"Don't be surprised. It's not the first time I'm seeing a cop under cover. They always ask for water"

"I'm a detective actually" Griffin said in a low voice. "Say can I ask you some few questions?"

"Sure" she replied as she placed his water Infront of him. 

"A friend of mine was here about three days ago. Some tall, lanky brown haired dude. Do you recall seeing him?"

"You are going to be more specific than that. A lot of people  who come here fit that description perfectly"

Damn, she was right. "Are you always on duty?" Griffin asked. He needed to know if he was even talking to the "right" person or wasting his time. 

"No but three days ago, my friend was on duty"

Griffin's face brightened. Hallelujah, a sign. "And who is this friend?"

The girl passed a picture towards him. 

Griffin's eyes widened as he stared at the girl. Her brown eyes locked with his. 

"Well, I'll be damned. Miss Amanda"

"You know her?"

Before Griffin could speak up, his phone rang.  It was George. 

"Miss Amanda ran away" George reported. 

"Sh*t! How?!"

"Through the window, I guess. One minute she was there and the next minute, gone"

"Find her! We need to find her at all cost. She's connected with the second murder too"

Griffin ended the call as he thought long and hard of what to do. 

She obviously would be on her way leaving the country or something so going to her house would be of no use. 

So what should he do? . 

"Think Griffin, goddamnit!"he cursed tugging at his hair. 

He'd never felt so helpless before. At times like this, he needed his father. 

His eyes widened. That's it!. 

He hailed a cab as he made his way to the church. He came to see his father but If there truly was a god, he would give him a sign on what to do. 

He heard that's what god does and that he also answers prayers. So let him show himself now!. 

He took in deep breaths as he walked into the church. 

He was blinded by the golden lights everywhere and the song sang by the choirs and keyboardist. 

He found himself slowly seated at the back seat. The priest seemed to have noticed him because he smiled at him and waved. 

He smiled back. When the preaching started, he oddly felt himself getting tired. 

He yawned twice before finally giving into sleep. 

When the priest saw him asleep, he smiled. It was time for him to do the lord's work once more he concluded as he brought out a sword heading towards his next victim. 


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