My reverse scale

Tap !! Tap !! gentle footsteps echoed throughout the environment, attracting the attention of everyone to that particular location.

A young boy with scattered long black hair that was draping over his shoulders could be seen dragging a very long demonic beast that was exhuding a terrifying aura.

The face of the young boy was extremely handsome and the aura that surrounded him gave off the feeling of infinite calmness. His eyes shone with Intense light as he glanced at the corpses that littered all over the ground.

His figure shook slightly when he saw a particular corpse that was headless. A severed head that still had the expression of vivid horror lay beside a body.

"Master Eric ". Amon muttered slowly and the demonic beast in his hand fell to the ground with a loud bang , stirring up dusts.

"Kid , were you the one that threatened me just now ? ". The man holding Aina looked at Amon with a scornful gaze.

"Interesting , very interesting ". Bolden stopped in his trac
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