Mission complete

I decided to help her up as I injected some blood energy into her heart, making it pump at a regular speed and somewhat fixing what I had broken before.

However, the blood energy I injected into her heart was also a warning and a binding as I would not let her go so quickly, it was dumb to believe her without leaving anything in place to coerce her into not betraying me at the first chance she got.

The blood energy I injected into her heart acted like a time bomb, if she did something that I would find less than good against me, I would then explode her heart and kill her instantly.

This was my leverage against her.

Mandaia understood what happened, so she nodded and said:

"Atleast you are not foolish enough to not put a restricting leash on me, let's go."

We jumped out of the underground cave that we created and arrived back at the location that was previously an oasis.

Now all that was left back there was a huge hole and some trees at the edges that were slowly dying out due to the
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