Chp 79 - Married After All
Celia just gave him a long look and bursted into tears. In a way that was even more heartbreaking than Mia’s garbled rambling. It was as if she couldn’t stop talking as she went on and on about how she was sure that it was Matteo that intended to kill her brother.

“He is not waking up, Jay. I teased him over and other but he wouldn’t even look at me! This was all that bastard Fitzgerald’s fault.

Celia shushed her as she looked around towards the people at the other end of the corridor. The ICU was a bit isolated from the other ward rooms but where they were standing was not far from the other waiting area where other families were waiting on their loved ones.

Families that knew so well about Fitzgerald’s name. Jason could see one elderly woman looking discreetly away after she had swerved her head towards their direction from Mia’s outburst.

“What happened?” Jason asked as he looked apprehensively towards the door, behind which his friend lay at the moment fighting for his life. He
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