Chapter 59: Finding her roots (3)

Gradually she looked at the lady and discovered that this lady was comfortably sitting down as though nothing was happening. Everyone in the car trembled in fear and was also very scared of losing their lives. The driver lost control of the vehicle as he found it difficult to control the steering. it became very stiff and strong and moved around from side to side as though it were a pawn on a chessboard.

Sofia observed this lady and noticed her weird posture with smiles all over her exterior. She acted as though everything was in her control, with a determined look like one who could predict what would happen subsequently with her psyche.

Her lips twitched as she muttered something inaudibly. Fear engulfed the women on the bus as they all prayed and hope to make it out alive.

Sofia stood up amidst the moving vehicle not the least scared and advanced towards the lady as her finger lengthened. She looked as though she was going to rip out the lady's flesh and maybe feed her heart to
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