Chapter 60: Roots of the Baobab tree

She took a closer look at the woman and then, ran some inches away from her after seeing how dark he eyes were. Everyone was indeed scary and they all creeped her out. The white-haired woman waved her hands and the exceptionally beautiful woman came back to herself and more frightening women stopped resurfacing.

"Child, let's go in" Sofia was a bit skeptical but she knew she could trust this elderly woman. She got to the sitting room and immediately felt dizzy as everything looked strange and weird. She saw a picture of a beautiful woman, a man, and another weird-looking woman.

The frame of the beautiful woman was beside that of the man while the weird-looking woman's frame hung opposite the two. She stopped staring at the frames and walked toward the Sofa. She could feel something burning her skin, but it wasn't the necklace and she was the only one in the room, then where could the sensation be exuding from?

Sofia took a Torchlight and looked at all the frames, weirdly, they were al
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