Nothing changed
"What's happening here?" Hiroshi asked blankly.

Hiroshi? I was pretty surprised that he made it in time.

"Looks like you made it in time. Well according to reports, he's from the battle at the valley of death. He's strong and extremely cunning. Didn't you face him in battle?" *I paused for a moment to allow Hiroshi to process my words.

"Him? I didn't even see his shadow." Hiroshi replied, while rubbing the back of his head with his hand in confusion.

"Captain!.." A voice echoed as he walked up to us, then bowed on his knees.

"Please, permit me!" He requested.

"Speak up!" Hiroshi commanded.

Observing his hesitation, I made a gesture permitting him to speak. He was probably waiting for my consent.

"Thank you!" He said humbly, then points at the unknown identity.

"This man, was there during the battle sir.

He was responsible for forty percent of our loss, apart from Akitora and his men damages.

A surprised expression could be seen on Hiroshi's face.

"Huhn! this man?". Hiroshi asked, along
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