The match of genesis(II)

"There you have it, folks, the battle you've all been waiting for can officially begin!"

On Bobo's call, the match officially began.


Soon not giving anyone a chance to react, Slohet took the lead in charging toward Elric.

With Soleht's dash, a large amount of dust rose from the ground and shook slightly indicating the force used in the dash.

Within a few seconds, he had already appeared in front of Elric.

*Damn! How could you be so strong!*

Mumbling under his breath, a voice of unwillingness came out from Elric as he barely survived, after all, thinking of the last time he checked Slohets stats the difference between them wasn't much at all, but now he can hardly take a move much less fighting back.

Unfortunately, although he tried to whisper to an upgraded Slohet it was as loud as shouting in his ear, thankfully he didn't seem to care

"Haha, you must be wondering why I'm so strong, yes?"

"This is the power bestowed onto me by my lord!"

Pointing to the lines and tattoos appear
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