An alpha's pride (II)

"Jie Jie Jie, not bad but that flimsy power of yours won't be enough", Doug voice right now was like iron scraping on another iron. Clark didn't waste anyor time as he sent a claw towards Doug who dodged that nimbly as his speed was astonishing but his speed had really caught Clark off guard before Clark could react Doug claws had already pierced through his chest reaching his heart and as he will it he could just killed Clark but Doug knew that he can't kill Clark so he let the poison from his claws seep into Clark's blood, also encasing his heart with the poison.

The whole woods became still and quiet as they tried to absorb the shock that Clark was defeated in one move, the werewolves in the pack clenched their fist but felt helpless as they couldn't do anything suddenly they all fell on their knees one by one acknowledging Doug as the new alpha on the pack not because they want but because they was the true alpha to be alive.

A rune appeared On Clark's head as a bright light envelopes Clark and Doug, everyone sucked in cold air as they saw that particular light. The rune went from Clark's head to Doug head, this signifies that Clark had handed over the position of an alpha to Doug crowning Doug as the knew alpha, Clark has just admitted his defeat.

Doug slowly retracted his claws out of Clark's chest making him feel a whole load of pain, then Doug held Clark's neck looked at him in the eye before tossing him aside as a piece of rag.

The pack felt unwilling to follow Doug but since the alpha position has been handed over they were now bound to follow Doug. Doug undid his transformation as a blood mist covered him, when the blood mist receded revealing Doug in a blood red three piece su.

"Let's go for the official crowning ceremony", Doug smirked at Clarissa who out rightly slapped him but he just brushed it off and led the wolf pack out of the woods.

"Clark", Clarissa rushed towards him and covered his naked body with a robe before carrying him on her back pushing her speed to the max as she rushed to the school clinic so that he could get medical attention.

As they all left, the Clark's blood seeped into the floor before sprouting into a blood red flower. As the flower grew the peom again rang out in the cold woods.

"Death knocks on the door, the alpha male answers

Its cold hands reaches for his hear but he couldn't resist the urge to challenge death even if he knew the odds were against him

After a long bitter night, the sky became frosty cold making the grass beneath shudder in cold.

But they surprisingly felt warm and comfortable when the alpha's blood formed a warm blanket over them protecting them from the cold.

The pack wait for the return of their leader only to be answered by the cold sneer of the winds.

Yet still they still waited as their loyalty was bonded together by something greater than blood or the heavens

Even if they have to fight death, they ain't afraid as they all knew that their still life after death", as this poem ended the veiled lady came and picked the flower before retreating back into the darkness.

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Mr. Shawn Opened his eyes in the sacred room as he looked bitterly at the huge tree.

"So Doug won huh? I wonder what will be the fate of the werewolf pack", he said with a bitter smile. 

The huge tree didn't answer him but the runic words it formed next made Mr Shawn raise a brow 

'their fate won't be decided by their leader but a friend now called brother '

Mr Shawn looked at those words before they vanished letting out a heavy sigh he left the room.

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Genesis was finally awake but when he tried to open his eyes he felt a sharp pain as the runes in them was still active and he could not be able to control them. As the power was still active it was sending too much information to his said causing a lot of pain, so he immediately closed his eyes and the influx of information to his head ended making him to sigh in relief.

"So you are already awake", Mr Shawn voice ring in his head.

"Yeah, so how long was I unconscious... Cough.... uhmm I meant dreaming", Genesis asked as he knew he had a knack for being unconscious for a prolonged period of time .

"Let's see, this is the seventh day for you being unconscious. Then that will make it one week, seven hours and fifty eight minutes, that's how long you have been unconscious", Mr Shawn said with a smile as he calculated.

"Dafuck, I had dreamed for that long", Genesis cursed but he almost bit his tongue when Mr Shawn knuckle connected with his head.


"Ouch, what was that for?", Genesis Yelp in pain as held his head.

"From now on am your teacher and I would be held responsible for your conduct, if I am held responsible for your foolish actions, I won't mind sharing a little of that pain to you", Mr Shawn berated.

"From now on am your teacher and I would be held responsible for your conduct, if I am held responsible for your foolish actions, I won't mind sharing a little of that pain to you. Who do you think you are to be the great Genesis teacher, don't you think that dream of yours is far fetched ", Genesis mimicked Mr Shawn in a low tone unaware that he had been caught.

Mr Shawn brought out a small metallic box designed with fold bit as he was about to open it, that I's when he heard Genesis mocking him and saying that he wasn't fit to be his teacher. His expression immediately grew dark as he didn't waste time to hot the box on Genesis head.


"Ow, old man do you really want to kill me" Genesis rage at Mr Shawn with a pained expression.

"You moron, who do you think you are insulting", Mr Shawn berated as he continued hitting Genesis head.

"Ahh, please, please please please I won't say it again", Genesis pleaded as he felt his head spinning from being banged by Mr Shawn metal container. After Mr Shawn had gotten the satisfaction of hitting Genesis head, he handed over the box to him.

"Wear what is inside and follow me", Mr Shawn said before leaving the room without even looking at him.

Genesis grumbled as he was about to open the metal box and brought out a blind fold and after some time he wore it, then he fumbled round the room as he tried to find the door not daring to open his eyes as he woul be introduced to a world of pain.

"Can you stop behaving like a blind fool, or should I beat some sense into you don't forget there is more from were that metal box came from and am sure that If I tell them about how good your head is for banging they will really go wild with ecstacy. Just open your eyes you simpleton ", Mr Shawn voice raged through the air striking Genesis ears reaching his heart.

"Can't you stop shouting you ancient fossil, looks like you exchange your youth do that you will be the ancestors of the dinosaurs... Tsk, I can't believe that that it will be set on stone that who ever be your student woul be in a world of shame", Genesis shouted back but he still opened his eyes and met a pleasant surprise as he could see again through the blind fold as if see with a normal eyes, while the blind fold dampen the runes powers in his eyes.

Mr Shawn face darkened like the bottom of a huge pot as he heard the curses Genesis had hurled at him, without even considering Genesis ecstacy of being able to use his eyes again he banged a even bigger metal box on Genesis head knocking him out cold, before dragging him out by his feet making the him receive odd stares from the healers in the school's special clinic.


Clark twist and turned on his bed his breathing became ragged as his face twisted in pain, he could hear Doug voice taunting him for his weakness, his heard spun as he fell into perpetual darkness as the flashes of his defeat invaded his mind. He was suddenly forced awake when Clarissa quickly stabbed an injection where Doug claws had pierced to his heart, his expression calmed as the laxative began taking effect on him.

Clark had clearly warned Clarissa not to tell the pack about his condition not even Genesis as he didn't know what would be going on in his head and what calamity he would bring upon himself.

Clarissa just sighed as she drunk more from her blood type O juice box, she could not help but feel great pain and sorrow seeing her best friend in such great pain, so she just closed her eyes and thought of a certain person.

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Genesis was now fully conscious and his body shivered when he saw that  Mr Shawn was still holding a gaint metal box in his hand.

"Damn, is this really hellbent on cracking open my head to see the contents of my skull, and if that the case then am really fucked", Genesis complained as he looked at Mr Shawn who just did some couple of hand deals before opening a door.

When the door finally opened, all what Genesis saw was a blank white space but before he could even say anything he was directly kick inside before the door sealed shut locking him in 


"This old man won't let me rest", Genesis said with a dejected tone as he walked deeper into the white space toll a point he couldn't see the door any more.

As Genesis walked deeper he could see different bloodline images of various hunters bit helt felt ni resonance with them. He was even in awe as he saw a bloodline image of a female hunter who could release the immense power of the phoenix but yet still he felt no single resonance from that age until he felt an unexpected call from deep within the blank white space.

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Mr Shawn had appeared in the space where the huge life like tree was situated

 This time the a girl with pure white her and cherry lips walked out of the tree and net Mr Shawn, looking at her she seemed around the age of Genesis.

"It seems that he really giving you a lot of headache, maybe both of you really fit for each other ", the girl smirked as she stood some few meters away from Mr Shawn.

"Tsk, maybe thinking that the great tree spirit will come and comfort me was a far fetched thing. Me and that bastard fit, tsk, you wish, before he kills me I will kill him. He calls me an old man mean while an still in my forties, who the hell does that", Mr Shawn raged on and on without caring about his face.

"You think that you are not an old man, hut clearly it's true you are not behaving as an old an old man but as an ancient fossil", 

". . . " The girl's words struck Mr Shawn silly like an untamed hurricane as he didn't find any way to refute it.

"Beside am really curious to see what that little fella is really up to this time", the girl smile bloomed on her face as the tree vines formed a swing for her to sit on while an image of Genesis current situation appeared in front of her and Mr Shawn.

"Dafuck, is this boy really tired of living. Why would he challenge that formless entity", Mr Shawn nearly choked on his words as he shook his head bitterly while watching Genesis current actions.


Genesis stood in front of the place that had drawn and called his soul over but he was stunned as he didn't see any bloodline image there 

"How am I going to inherit this bloodline when there is nothing here, this goes beyond logic but it seems this world wants me to input my bloodline here so I won't stand on courtesy", he said as he was about to draw out his blood essence when a majestic voice pulled in into that blank space.

"So because you could not beat me outside, you tried to trap me in here so that the world won't see me whipping your ass", Genesis said with his nose pointing upward as if he was a peerless expert but his heart was beating wildly trying to escape from his chest..

The formless entity just snorted as it formed a human body with the horns of a pure blooded dragon but Genesis felt something different from it.

"Don't tell me that you are a descendant of a pure blooded dragon and a pure blooded ichneumon, dafuck, what a twisted love story ", Genesis said helplessly but his body twisted to the side as he successfully eveded a punch from the entity.

"Hoho, you like talking with fist, looks like I have also found an expert in that regard so let's exchange pointers shall we", Genesis smirked as his body was also itching for battle.

The entity threw another punch at Genesis who just nimbly caught it with his hands and smile but his expression changed when he saw the entity kick going towards his crotch.

"Are you stopping so low to give me a low blow", Genesis roared in anger as he left the entity fist to grab the entity leg but as he did that the entity kicked Genesis chest with his other foot making it to cave in Genesis staggered backwards as his eyes list it's color, he was obviously dead but he died while standing.

Genesis body dissipated and quickly formed a new body.

"So that is how you want to play it fine I will accompany you", Genesis shouted in reage as he lunged at the entity he continued killing him.


Mr Shawn was speechless as he watched Genesis being killed over and over again.

"This boy really never submit to any one be it a god, human or even the devil itself", he said with a bitter smile as he continued watching him.

Genesis raised his hands as he tried to stop the entity from pounding him to pulp.

"Damn bro, are you not satisfied killing me for the one thousand six hundred and seventy five times", Genesis pleaded as dieing over and over again wasn't pleasurable.

The entity didn't seem to answer him and just simply attacked, seeing that it refused to reason with him, Genesis spat at its eyes. As the entity tried to dodge it felt a painful blow down below it's belt as Genesis had kicked him hard there real hard before it could regain it's footing Genesis quickly swung his  other leg round it's head snapping it.

"I finally killed it", Gene was happy as he finally got a breather suddenly the body of the entity transformed into particles of light entering into Genesis body revitalizing him.

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Clark was still in pain when he felt a familiar presence, painfully openiyhis eyes he saw Genesis staring at him with a grave expression before he could spej Genesis shushed him.

"Shh, don't stress yourself", Genesis placed his hands on the place wee Clark was injured and saw everything, he saw when the challenge came he saw Clark's defea, he saw when Clark pride was broken, he saw the harm Doug had caused to Clark heart.

Blood tears flowed out under the blind fold as Genesis eyes was strained due to him using the runes powers.

Before Clarissa and Clark could stop him, Genesis had appeared in the center of the school raising the school's special badge he is voice calmly echoed throughout the corners of the school, filled with great killing intent, who ever heard it felt their hear shiver with cold.

"You wretched dog come out and face retribution, I Genesis challenge Doug to a life and death battle"

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