039: Game on pt 4

"Lilith obeys and turns to check the door." Pamela begrudgingly says. She had gone through all the cards with the number eight, and they all had the same response. Like the game had decided Lilith's fate already and there was no changing it.

She remorselessly reminded herself that this was the core reason she didn't play games to begin with.

She was horrible at them.

"Lilith slowly turns towards the pale white oak of the front door, and peaks through the glass on the side. She flinches when she sees her grandmother staring right back at her with darkened eyes, and a menacing glare.

Rainwater dripping down her wrinkled skin. Lilith hurried shuts the bolts to the door right as the know begins to turn. She dumps the phone, missing the last key words her grandmother adds.

Run, Lilith. I will hunt you like the animal you are.

Kenneth is shivering, and wrapping his arms around his folded knees when he hears pounding on the grandmother's door. Unbeknownst to him, the little devil presses
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