A table-together

The next day at school, Cayden and his guys sat on one of the rows of chairs in the class auditorium, oblivious to the lesson currently ongoing. One of them, Alex, the black haired guy, was rambling on to Cayden incessantly while Cayden’s eyes never left Nathan.

When Alex saw he wasn't listening to him, he followed his gaze. “Dude are you just going to let him walk away?”He asked, realizing the conversation Cayden would be interested in.

“No. I’m not, I’m simply bidding my time.” Cayden looked irritated.

The boy scoffed. “We've never had to hesitate this long to deal with somebody, and the offences then were even trivial…compared to what he has done.”

“Maybe Cayden has lost his balls” The other guy with brown hair, Pedro, laughed. He sat on the other side, of Cayden .

Cayden banged his desk so hard that he startled the other students around them. Nathan turned as well and shook his head.

Those trio couldn’t just do with drawing attention to themselves.

The lecturer had taken not
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