44. Ransom

In the King's office.

Arthur sat in his chair staring at the 10 merchants who were standing and looking at him with respect and fear.

"Is it happy to be alive?"

Arthur asked with a smile.

"Very happy," they answered nervously.

"Because you are still alive. I can tell you are quite smart for not mentioning your background and using threats to let you go" Arthur said "Okay you guys can sit down, let's have some tea. Please relax."

Arthur invited them to sit down and drink tea. The 10 merchants looked at each other then sat across from Arthur and waited for him to speak first.

"There are a few things I will discuss with you. First, since you are prisoners there will be a ransom for your freedom." Arthur said after seeing them sit down.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty," said a fat middle-aged man. "I don't know how much ransom Your Majesty wants. As long as I can return, I will immediately send all the money to you, Your Majesty."

[Patrick Viera, Chairman of the Chamber of
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