Potions in the Market

“Your Holiness, have you heard the news?” asked the cardinal to the Shrine Master. “It seems the whole kingdom is on frenzy over the appearance of potions potent enough to heal even the worst of wounds.”

The Shrine Master looked at his subordinate with a charismatic gaze, without any answer out of his mouth.

“Summon Helene at once, she would have a lot of explaining to do,” decreed the Shrine Master with a deep voice.

The cardinal bowed solemnly at the Shrine Master’s words and dispatched a messenger to inform Helene to quickly answer the Shrine Master’s call.

Not long afterwards, Helene was already there, without any idea why she was summoned in the first place.

“O Royal Saintess, I believe you know the reason why I want you here?” asked the Shrine Master.

“Your Holiness, I’m afraid I have no clue at all,” replied Helene. “If you would be so kind as to enlighten me regarding that matter,”

“I heard that you were involved in those so-called demonic potions,” said the Shrine Master. “Wh
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