Chapter 23
“No!”,The troops chant.

"What he's saying... it's treason," a woman next to Novi says in a whisper.

"I believed so.",“We Centurions lead by example, as all good leaders do,” the man continues.I refuse to follow a leader who sits on his magically supercharged ass and rests his heavy feet on my back as we charge into battle with our legates and soldiers!Someone who can evade death with magic will not allow me to have a flaming sword.Someone who only tells His to build iron statues of himself refuses to tell my men they need to die.

As they exit the square and rush down the empty street, Novi and Fohr lose the man's voice.

"Quite the crowd that he saw."Fohr laughs.

"Quite the words too," says Novi.blatantly ignoring the divine emperor.That person has a lot of balls.

He is a military man.He must."

Novi laughs.Right.Anyone who fights against us needs a lot of heart."

He follows Fohr through the streets of Lorma until he arrives at a random house and knocks.

The door is opened by a young He-
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