Chapter 26
That is regrettable.The Hisiff promises, "Well come and pick you all up on our way back to the farm if we find the tractor."

The man's expression turns grim and frowny.That won't be required.The way we are is fine.We're sorry, but we've recently had, let's just say, unpleasant encounters with armed strangers.

The Hisiff nods.Your demise.He tells the other person, "Let's go."Scott has a crazy idea as they turn to continue their search.One more thing,” He informs the man.As he asks, "What?" he seems agitated but talks friendly.

I'm on the lookout for my family.Is there anyone with the name Turm Hise?He asks.

The man turns to look at his companions, but they all shrug.Probably not.Is there anyone we should tell to leave if they come by with that last name?

"To the farm close to High Rock.You can't miss it.

The man smiles.That will stay in my mind, and I hope you find your family soon.

Scott grins and gives His horse a spur.Before returning to their own Helter, the people watch the small g
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