Two days after what happened at the campus, Liam receives an email from Miranda asking if she could meet him because she wants to return the money.

He agrees to meet her in a public area, preferably a restaurant, so he could also buy her lunch.

When Liam sees Miranda, she has a sad look on her face and holds out the bag for him.

‘’Here, all the money you gave me is still there. I didn’t spend any.’’

‘’Miranda, I gave the money to you. There is no need to return it.’’

‘’I know, but I would rather save my friendship, so I am returning it.’’

Liam motions for Miranda to go inside the restaurant with him but she shakes her head and waves her hand.

‘’I rather not.’’

‘’It is the least I can do.’’

‘’You have done enough, sir.’’

Liam frowns. ‘’There is no need to call me, sir.’’

‘’Sorry, but you already paid my debts. You don’t have to do anymore for me.’’

Liam nods. ‘’How is Mercedes doing?’’

‘’You really like her, don’t you?’’

Liam doesn’t answer that, because he doesn’t know how to feel abo
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