Valkyrie palace

Helena’s room

“Ugh…! That was terrible. I can’t believe I said those words. I feel like my twenty-plus years of life as a man just got crushed into dust.” Helena complained out of embarrassment as she lay on her bed with her face in her pillow, hiding out of embarrassment. Even though she said those embarrassing words to complete the system mission, she could not help but feel like crawling into a hole every time she thought about what she said.

“Systemmmm…, you are such an ass for giving me that mission, you know that. Right?” Helena asked in a muffled tone. While rolling from the left end of her bed to the right.

*Ding! *

Host, how would you like to distribute your undistributed attribute points?

The system notification sound shocked Helena while she was rolling on the bed, causing her to fall from the left end of the bed, but as she was about to hit the floor, she caught herself with her right index finger, performing a one-finger stand.

“Woah…! That was close.” She
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