Game On

"The Street of Fire!!!"

The billboard shined with those words as Hermes alighted from the car.

"Bye!" He waved off his hosts as the vehicle zoomed hurriedly away from sight. Then he threw his eyes around his surrounding for a while.

Very few cars roamed the area. And not many people wished to be around on that street, except they thought they were immune to danger in some magical way. Only a few people had the antidote against the high risk that lingered around the street of fire. Because it was always very silent on the roads... but noisy on the roadsides.

The smell of smoke and the roar of a boxing audience from a not so far away boxing match were the only things that welcomed Hermes to the crazy street.

That was Crescent, the most dangerous street in Twillightoria.

"Hey!" A voice called from behind just a few moments after he alighted from Jack's car.

As Hermes turned around, three hefty men were strolling in his direction.

"Who you?" The one in front asked. He had his face cap t
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