Which signifies that other devil candidates were inside the coliseum but no one was coming forward to join them.

The coliseum went quiet for a few moments.

"Aren’t any of you brave enough?!" Blue asked.

"This is our chance to take Burnaman down!" Yellow screamed. With the robotic suit mask that was covering their faces, no one could see their facial expressions. But everyone could tell that they were both desperate for backup.

Trevor and Brianna were also quiet as they stared at them.

"I know there is strength in numbers, but what if they fail to take Burnaman down?" Brianna asked in a soft tone.

"Yeah, we can’t reveal ourselves under these circumstances, especially if it means we would have to let them shoot us with red arrows," Trever responded in a low tone.

Two people came out of an entrance of the coliseum that leads to the field; they were both wearing robotic suits that covered their entire bodies, including their faces. One was wearing a pink suit, and the other was wearing a
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