The wandering(1)

Cara slowly opened her eyes as the waves from the river washed up on her. She groaned, her head banging severely as she tried to adjust her eyes to the rising morning sun.

The sun itself was not friendly for the first thing she saw was the round yellow globe sending a bright directly into her eyes. She squinched her eyes, breathed shakily, and tried to get up.

But her entire body arched.

It felt like she had been beaten. She tried to move her leg but she received intense muscle aches which made her cry out. What the hell happened with her? She wondered. She could hear ravens cawing from a distance and the river bank she was washed up on was mostly empty, save for a few things here and there that littered everywhere.

She managed to stand up and looked across the river. She knew she was no longer in Brheila. Everything had changed. She realized she needed to go back as soon as she could. What was the last thing she remembered? She wondered.

Nothing came to her at first, so she took her
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