29. Missing vials

“ What?!, Someone got there before you?”, Geoffrey storm bellowed.

The man standing before him took a step back and gave a Curt nod, “ yes sir. When I got there, the house had already exploded. I just merely escaped without being noticed.” He explained.

Geoffrey ran a hand through his hair, cursing under his breath. Who the hell was doing this and why were they making it look like it was Mancap. This was the fourth time the house with the victims suing Mancap was exploding. It was either someone was intentionally killing them or they were looking for something.

Or… The System, it couldn’t be right?. The last time the System surfaced, that was years ago. Years that he had put behind him. He shook his head. There’s no way they were back.

“ if this keeps happening, then we’ll have to shift to plan b. For now, stay underground and well hidden. Your face might show up in the CCTV footage near the explosion, stay hidden. I’ll call you when it’s all cleared”, Geoffrey told the man in front o
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