28. Succumb to darkness

Deciding to go in, a child needed to be saved first, he stood up, ran over to someone and pulled the thick blanket she was carrying over his shoulder. He briefly saw a memory of the person he had collected the blanket from. She had been drinking earlier, he scoffed.

Johan approached the house, he could feel the heat from the fire. He hoped that he would come out of this ordeal alive. He thought about the boy in the fire, if he was feeling this hot, he wondered what the child was going through in the house.

He silently said a prayer and entered what was left of the house.

“ shit!”, Johan cursed as he touched something that was hot. He has to refrain from touching things. The house was already burning and the fire was spreading to the other side of the house, he needed to be very fast or else he was not going to loose his life, but also that of the child.

The decision to go in had been a split second Decision that he made irrespective of whether he found the child or not. There was a fi
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