30. The Shocking revelation

Geoffrey cannot remember the last time he had driven this fast before, ignoring all traffic rules. He was shocked that a police van had not started following him and asked him to pull over for breaking traffic rules. He was a father who needed to get to his son one way or the other and if getting a speeding ticket would get him to Johan, then fine, he would get one.

Geoffrey cut a vehicle that was about to cross into the other lane, he knew he was driving recklessly and could even hear curses from the other drivers.

“ How long before I can get to the hospital, Jane?”, he asked the AI system installed in his car.

“ at this rate Geoffrey, in five minutes…”, the AI replied.

“ let’s make it three minutes then…”, he muttered, stepping on the paddle.

“ I would advice against that as it breaks road regulations and can put you in danger…” Jane the AI answered.

Geoffrey rolled his eyes, well, good thing he could over look that advice.

Different thoughts ran through his mind about Johan. What
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