138. Gene Optimization Serum or Fluid




" " Speech,

' ' Thoughts,



"Now that you guys have built an above-average foundation of your body, I will give you a push so your body will awaken its potential!" Erick said while standing in front of strong men and ladies, after the training not only their eyes but also their bodies are showing that they have become firmer in their resolve and the fire has become burning lava inside their bodies.

Erick was thinking of giving them the serum to awaken their latent potential so they can increase their speed in training and absorb everything he will teach them later.

Erick went into the storage room which was empty at the moment and then asked Leader Shun to come inside before he started with him first.

"Yes, Erick-san!" Leader Shun came inside and stood in front of him while Erick took out a small flask bottle made of glass and handed it to Leader Shun who looked at him with confusion.

"Here, drink it! It's something that will help you guys awaken your potential
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