Aegis of the Sun
Aegis of the Sun
Author: Muhammad Sulton Madi Jumadi
1. Street Rat

In a place that's the heart of a small town to the northeast from the border between hamoursh county and the elfair nation, the noise of the people working there continues to be ringing. The density in the place is increasing over time. That's the market. Where many traders offer their wares in exchange for a few Ruby slivers that are indeed a currency on magire kivanal's continent.

The sun's been rising ever since, but that has not in any way hindered them from continuing their search for a bag of money. Beyond all of this, there is no escape from the so-called 'street rat' ora street urchin who daily steals anything that satisfies the two dirty eyes of such ones. Doing their thing, playing with those two contemptible hands to deceive and exploit the hustle of every situation.

It's never gonna get away from people like that. And more familiar was the scum who lived in a marauder guild less than two kilometres away from the market.

At noon today, a dark-haired man is weaving his eyes in all directions, watching the crowd going around him, all the while looking for an appropriate gap to act. It's not the first time they've done something like that. Stealing has become a job for people like him.

A sunny day between a crowd drowning in excitement, the man was not alone. He and the conspirators were working out a plan they had previously drafted during his meeting in the small, warm dining room of their Guild. Today is the day he spends with the four others.

He was with an eleven-year-old child walking down a public street. "Are you ready, Fyerith?" He asked the blond boy beside him. The boy spontaneously nodded, on his face without any hint of doubt dotting the calm face.

Fyerith was indeed a calmer child, thanks to the instruction of horald, success made Fyerith grow into a cool-headed boy. Thinking before acting is one of the advice Horald always spoke to him.

"What would others know of our existence, Edgar?" Now Fyerith is asking hisself. Edgar again flicked his gaze looking for his two friends, though no one he was looking for was in his view, but after a few seconds, he saw Liza with Fyon standing in the presence of a small attraction at the end of the road they were on.

The point is today, whatever it takes they must make it to the plunder before returning to their guild. Red raven is a name of the Guild that's been established a long time ago. Edgar has no idea where that name was made. But last night Liza made a name for the group. Because two days ago Dryzell had given a command to the entire guild to make a team of a minimum of four people, in order to facilitate the work.

Then Liza chose and then proposed a name for four members containing Edgar, the ponytail girl, the blonde boy Fyerith, and Fyon. Liza calls the group 'Aegis of the Sun '. At first Fyon was beside himself after hearing that name which was strange to him, but after a long time the strapping man became more and more familiar with it. Not because he had to agree with it, but also because Liza had threatened his if he refused and tried to give her a new name.

And neither Edgar nor Fyerith ever made a big deal out of it, because as far as Edgar is concerned, he really likes the word. It was like a greater meaning than just a few words spoken.

Thus, Edgar took the initiative to make a logo overnight, to make a symbol of their plot by mixing the logo of the guild with the Aegis of the Sun, a combination of the owl that is the Red Raven logo, and a circle of the sun that serves as a aegis to the pride of the guild owl.

Edgar, gather that Aegis of the Sun is also a defense for the guild that they love. That's where Fyon came to love the word aegis of the sun. It was as though the sun were all four of them and the owl was represented by everyone in the guild. The four of them will try to be like the sun giving warmth everyday. Therefore, even though the sun is the strongest light, it may at times turn into a darkness, and its golden light can no longer be seen at night.

Edgar and Fyerith snuck in among the people who were doing the buying and selling. Edgar walks forward in a hurry and pretends to trip over something until it hits someone he's after, trying to distract from it.

With everyone focused on him, the speed of Fyerith's two little hands rose to action. The boy quickly grabbed a bag with a piece of Ruby. Edgar staged it so no one would suspect it. You'd have to be smart enough to do that, especially in a public place like that.

If even the slightest thing fails, it is no longer a risk of being badly beaten by people in the market for theft. If they get away, it's another story. Usually people would let the street rats escape rather than struggle after those who were as nimble as wild rabbits in the jungle.

It is either the curse or the hate speech they receive from every action they take. But that's not a problem. Money is the number one on any continent for them.

Fyerith threw the bag at Edgar and the man took it away so quickly from Fyerith's hand that no one was actually aware of it. It was long enough for them to realize that the money had been stolen. And that's what Edgar thought before. They would immediately claim they were the perpetrators of the crime and the strange people around them instantly believed.

Edgar tilted his smile. "We must hurry, Fyerith. Give them both the code." Edgar said to Fyerith. The boy nodded clearly and ran away from Edgar. Fyerith is running toward Liza and Fyon, which has since been delayed by a surprising remark from the man who was recently a victim of a muffler.

Fyerith shouted, "Thief!" Pointing his hand at Edgar. While Edgar began running in different directions, pointing a thumb at his accomplice a few hundred yards away. Fyerith says that, because it only makes things boisterous, so that Liza and Fyon will launch their act completely unnoticed by those around them.


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