2. Running Away

Edgar ran to the side of the market and down a very narrow road because of the amount of luggage and stuff that made it very crowded. Not to mention how many people there are in that place, making Edgar a success to curse it.

The man ran away without taking care of anything in front of him. He looked back for a moment, and apparently what he had thought was going to happen. He suspected that the next thing he was going to be was a mouse that some hungry cats were after in the market.

There are some people who are chasing him to get the dirt on the market. People in the market would never go unnoticed if they met a guy like Edgar in a public place. Thieves or robbers are indeed like plant pests that irritate and must be eliminated. But none of that will be easy for Edgar and his three accomplices.

Edgar quickens his pace as he clings to the firm grip of a Ruby purse he stole just now. He doesn't want it to go away because he's losing focus on what's happening right now. Those people aren't that tough of a hindrance.

In the worst possible scenario that Edgar has to think of how he's gonna make it out of the whole mess surrounding him. His ears could clearly hear the people behind him Shouting at him with all the kinds of language that he was familiar with.

And luckily the people around him don't care about any of this either, Edgar knows that there aren't a lot of other people who care about all this because they don't really care about anything. They will if something happens to them alone. Even as Edgar ran the place, there were a lot of glaring eyes. That Edgar could have easily got caught if someone had just suddenly stepped in and caught him. But like we said, the people around him won't care.

Edgar was still hearing footsteps that seemed to give up on him. Then the Hamoursh man reached for the pile of wooden boxes set before him, and then threw them back in his step, intent on chasing those who had been after him since. And so he did with all that was before him. Even when there was a man walking with his goods, the thief did so to escape the death of the Hamoursh that hunted him.

Edgar grinned, running with his agility, the man finally saw a wooden fence about half a man's height, so it didn't matter to him and it wouldn't stand in his way. In his heart, he would have guessed by now that he had made it to the back of the market.

Edgar jumped over the market-wide fence on a road a little bigger than the one he had been walking on. Before him was a wall of buildings standing flanking the road. Edgar, look left and right. It sure looks deserted. For the time being, he managed to escape from the pursuers after he had managed to escape the crowded, crowded area as well.

Edgar picked up his pace and ran back to the right of somewhere. Because he and his gang had been planning this from the very beginning. If he succeeds in getting results today, they will meet in a quiet alley not too far from the market for a meeting before finally returning together to their Guild.

In his heart, Edgar also strongly believed the three of them would get away with it. But more than that, the whole mess happened because everyone was focused on him as if he were a real fugitive, but Fyon and Liza were doing the same thing after the people around them were both unaware of what they were doing.

And then Fyerith would signal to flee immediately to find himself where he had been promised.

Being a thief isn't exactly a convenient thing to do. People like Edgar do just have no choice but to keep on living. But since he grew up in a marauding guild, Edgar inevitably had to accept this background.

The man had reached a faraway place, and he himself had heard nothing but the air around him crying and the sound of his footsteps still running on a concrete road that had little damage along the way.

It made itself sink into the void for a moment. It was like he felt a figure go through his head. It was clearly drawn, but unfortunately he didn't know what the mysterious figure was in his memory. Like a flash over the horizon, it just sort of faded away. Edgar was so surprised that he even hit a wall in front of him.

His body fell to the ground after taking a hard hit from an object that had been perfectly still. The man even squeaked and cursed the stone wall for blocking his step. And yet he still took the blame for not being careful. The wall was a house standing along the road. And Edgar should just turn left because it's a crossroad.

"Damn! Why am I so lost in thought?!" He hissed as he brushed his shoulders. He soon got up again to continue his step so that he could reach his destination quickly. Maybe his three partners are waiting for him there. The third distance is not that far compared to him having to take this detour.

The market they're visiting isa very familiar public place for any thief to launch an attack there. There are a lot of pickpockets who are capable of doing what every thief in the world has. And that certainly will not be able to be ignored by the Dryzell's men.

Edgar had arrived at the fork of the road, and he chose the right. The road is getting wider and the people around it are showing. There were quite a few hikers combing their steps, when the sun shone more and more.

Even the dark-haired man was perspiring from his long run. And he had also felt that his legs had become numb from the pain of the two on the side of his already unbearable legs.

Now, the guy doesn't have to run because he's in a safe place and the guys at the market who are chasing him aren't going to get anywhere like that. Maybe they've lost track of Edgar.

Edgar walked all the way to the Promised Land of soon meeting his three other friends.


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