21. Sleeping flowers
"How about you just get the fuck out of here, asshole?" Said the old man with growing hair adorning his face. Dryzell's words are slow but penetrating.

Dryzell may look old, but when it comes to energy, he's been pretty much the same since Edgar first took a hit like that.

"Why do you always do this, Dryzell? You don't know that it hurts so much." Edgar hisses, grimacing through the pain on the tip of his lips that seemed to release a slight amount of red liquid.

At night in the dimly lit room, as only a warm oil lamp filled the darkness.

"I can lose my teeth if you doing that to me, Dryzell." Defy Edgar as he touches the tips of his lips with his right fingertips. He snorted so much pain that he felt all over his body.

Not to mention when Zhippy push down the wounds around his waist, having succeeded in making Edgar curse these people even more.

"That's because you left the Guild without anyone's knowledge! You're clearly wrong. Even if you're hunting!" Dryzell reacted on him. That gu
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