Farewell, Aegis

"So, this is it." Ace faced his teammates. He recalled all the difficulties and trials they faced together.

"We've been through alot, huh?" Reginald smirked.

The others wore saddened expressions.

"This goodbye is not forever, sir Ace." Conroy says struggling to put his emotions in check.

"Yes!" Vorus exclaims as he throws his arms in the air. "When You return, I shall challenge you, Captain!"

"I'll be sure to share my findings with you." Maggie added.

"Yeah bro, we'll rock it out when you get back." Ernie added.

"I'll keep these rascals in check for you." Said Kaz.

"Guys..." Ace's eyes sparkled. He bows silently and turns to Ryker who was waiting for him with the Cruiser.

"I'll miss you..."
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