Somebody Is Possessed!

Sebastian sat alone in the big house all by himself. Rebecca was out for a night exorcism, and Marcelo had travelled a day earlier. He had no idea on what to do with his free time, and nothing important seemed to come to his mind.

His eyes lingered to the same spot where Michael's body laid dead over a week ago. He didn't know why it thought it was such a good idea, but Sebastian decided to try something new. He could tell if a spirit or a demon was here by touching the remains of the spiritual essence that lingered around the area. He had no idea if it would work for ghosts or dead people, but he decided to try it anyway.

He placed his hand down the cold hard floor and closed his eyes. He was scared, but yet his entire body screamed for him to continue. He wanted to withdraw from the event, but his hand was unyielding. He felt nothing, no single spiritual essence remained within the walls of this building, and he could guess Marcelo was the reason why.

High concentration of spiritual
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