Cultivator Battle Royale
Cultivator Battle Royale
Author: Smiles
Chapter 0

Xing Wenghu stood on the roof of his parent's house, gazing into the night sky, replaying his final memories from his previous life and the cycle of reincarnation.

This moment was his first moment in a new and fresh life. He was reborn, and now had a chance to start fresh, no longer bound by the fate of his previous self. It was a luxury few cultivators ever had the chance to earn.

But he was the main character, the chosen one. The fated one, the special one. The Protagonist even dare he believe it.

He had been reborn as a cultivator, with new powers and abilities. Xinghad been chosen by the supreme Dao deities to ascend and become one of the most powerful cultivators in existence.

Xing Wenghu from a young age had been born with the Heavenly Daoist skeleton, and the Demonic Daoist Martial Body. A potent combination that only 0.0000001% of cultivators in the entire history of existence ever had.

Upon Xing Wenghu's very birth, a gigantic flash of light exploded across every dimension, declaring to the universe that a main character had been born.

Every Supreme Dao Deity seeked Xing Wenghu out, leading to him having trained in their subspace dimension. Here, Xing Wenghu learned only the most powerful of techniques, moving through barriers thought to be impenetrable by mortal beings.

Most importantly, he did this all under the watchful eye of an immortal cultivator who had begged him to join him on his quest to become a supreme being and surpass the limits of reality itself. Xing Wenghu was just too special, how could he not beg for the main character to join him?

Because of this, he had a large target placed upon his back. It was quite frustrating for him to experience. At every venture, Xing Wenghu would be ambushed by the worst pest of all!

Side characters.

Irrelevant, forgettable people who nobody could remember the name of. Not even their own mother! They haunted him, chased after him with great envy and frustration in their hearts for Xing Wenghu! Like dogs, they never stopped pushing.

But if they were dogs, then Xing Wenghu was Fenrir himself! Slapping away the pups that leaped at him at every turn.

Xing Wenghu was the target of great envy amongst several of the celestial deities and mortal beings at all times. He kept them at bay through cunning, wits and raw strength when appropriate.

However, this was not meant to last.

A tragedy ensued when Xing Wenghu killed his teacher out of fear that he would be betrayed and killed to prevent someone like him from existing.

He stood alone on a desolate plain where his teacher had been worshiped like a god in mortal life. Beneath him laid dozens of defeated enemies who stood no chance against him at his current level of power. Various celestial deities were flying around him, staring him down and making sure he did not slip away or escape them forever.

"Get him!" One foolishly shouted, but the rest scolded the cultivator for daring to speak.

"You fool! That is the great demon Xing Wenghu! The shameless little bastard nobody can touch!!!"

A past mentor of his laid on his knees on the ground, preparing to recite his last words: "Oh God, O-Oh fuck! Y-you shameless little bastard! You are so much more powerful than me Xing Wenghu! How dare you betray my trust in you!"

Xing Wenghu scoffed at this remark and casually replied with two words. Two words that brought out raw pain within the soul of any elderly individual who heard them. It was a powerful sentence that could cause qi deviation in the most powerful of ancient immortals!

"Okay Boomer"

He waved one hand in front his teacher's face while bringing down another palm which crushed the man's skull into smithereens.

He didn't need to waste any more time with this weak "Boomer".

Xing Wenghu stood in the middle of the Primordial Ancient Demonic Celestial Daoist Plains of Ruin, Death and Hope. He spoke to himself, a smirk on his face. "I need no help, I need nobody! I am the main character!!!!"

Xing Wenghu didn't need to listen to any weakling Boomer who told him what to do. He would show all those other Boomers that he didn't need them!

Over the next several millennia Xing Wenghu amassed power and cultivation, taking over the entire  Heavenly Galactic Quadrant. His harem was massive and diverse, glittering suns from all over the quadrant. Thousands upon thousands of Jade Celestial Beauties came to join him and worship him for his strength and power.

Use your power to protect yourself , Xing Wenghu thought, but he had made a fatal mistake.

It was a cool summer morning, and Xing Wenghu awoke to find a vixen in his bed, the Jade Empress Xiao Hua. She looked him up and down like a predator, her eyes alight with devouring hunger.

He had seen this same look on her face before, when she had come to visit him in his public appearance as the summit of Celestial Emperors with titles too long to remember.

He hadn't been able to resist her beauty then. And now here she was, moments after seducing him with that same look all over her face.

She sprang back up onto the bed and began nibbling on his ear playfully, then whispered, "I'm going to take your soul now."

Xing Wenghu's eyes widened. "Wow, women sure are into some weird things these days!" He laughed, as she loomed over him.
She looked at him like a hungry fox might look at a naive chicken waddling about half-heartedly. Her lips twisted into a cruel smile of satisfaction as her trap came into effect.

Her brand of qi suddenly effected his body. His meridians felt like they were evaporating slowly from his skin each time she touched him. His body felt as if it were on fire with love for her. Initially at this thought he felt a surge of power go through him.

But soon he realized it wasn't love.

He was feeling everything that he had made others feel throughout his life. He could feel their suffering just as acutely as if it were his own pain that had been imposed upon them by his cruelty.

He felt fear when they felt fear...He saw dread when they saw dread...He felt loss when they felt loss...He heard their cries of pain as if they were his own...and then...there was feelings. Nothing at all but darkness surrounding him.

When his eyes came to light once more, he was no longer in his previous world.

Xing Wenghu entered the body of a boy named Xing Wenghu through a cruel twist of fate. Sifting through memories that were not his own, Xing Wenghu found the world to be quite different from the one he had known.

In his past life he had not spent a single day as a normal young man!

The world was exactly as he had known it. Xing Wenghu frowned. Yes, the world was exactly as he had known it, but without his godly powers to guide him what success could he have? With determination in his heart, Xing Wenghu set his mind on recovering his former powers, and getting revenge on that damn bitch Xiao Hua.

This was what Xing Wenghu truly believed as he stared out the roof of his parents house, having failed the tribulation of getting a job and moving out. He needed to find someone who would give him some quick spiritual cultivation methods after all; how else would he find someone to spar with on the first day?

Luckily, a opportunity for power had slipped into his fingers. He had been selected as one of the lucky participants for the National Cultivator Battle Royale, which took place in America.

Where only the weakest amongst cultivators could participate. There, they would be forced to survive for weeks in an undisclosed secluded island while surrounded by cultivation resources and martial scrolls. The lucky winner would have untold power, only at the deaths of everyone else.

He clasped his hand, determined to take advantage of this opportunity. In his past life he knew exactly everything about the battle royale, and where every single martial herb, scroll would be located.

Nothing could stop him now!

"Xiiiiiiinnnnng, I need you to take out the trash!!" Xing's mom loudly called from below at him.

A vein threatened to burst from Xing's forehead, how dare she interrupt him!

"Moooooom, I'm having a monologue!!! Don't interrupt me!" He shouted back down at her, before going back to thinking in deep contemplation.

The tribulation of enduring bullshit parents would indeed test his patience!

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