Chapter 8

“Melissa, what happened to your leg?” I asked, finally realizing that Professor Rogerio was tying a blood-stained gauze around his thigh.

Melissa looked at me, intrigued by the sudden approach.

“She wasn’t attacked.” Carlos who answered, behind me. “She cut her leg on a wire as we tried to get out of the yard. It was bleeding a lot, but it’s nothing serious. “

“Sorry to be so rude, it’s just…” I began, looking into the girl’s moist honey-colored eyes.

“It’s alright. She looked at her leg, shrugging. “I think it’s a valid concern.” Talking seemed to calm her down a bit.

“So, did you make it?” asked Ana, looking in Guilherme’s direction and putting an end to our business.

William, again, just shook the keys in his hand, the jingle reaching everyone’s ears.

“Sorry, that room is only the keys to the third year rooms. I couldn’t look any further because things were going up.” He apologized, looking at no one in particular.

Someone muttered “no problem”, Ana huffed, but there was no complai
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