Fast Growth

"Pier, wake up." Ace continued to shake Pier's shoulders.

He could no longer bear it, he needs to confirm or just either have someone to talk to. Ace hoped that he was just dreaming or maybe just under the severe influence of drug which Yvo injected him.

Finally, Pier got snapped back from his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes from the beaming light flashing against the ceiling. The aflutter face of Ace popped in through his sight.

"What's the commotion about?" Pier asked.

Before Ace could even answer, Neo ran straight towards their direction, whooshing like an airplane. Pier immediately furrowed his eyebrows. He did not remember leaving Ace with a new kid to take care of.

Pier immediately asked to confirm, "Who's that?"

They caught each others gazes, none of the two can grasp for the answer. But the same conclusion arose from Pier, his eyes went down to Neo's wrist.

"The tag..." Pier whispered beneath his breath but Ace heard it.

His eyes did not move away from the toddler. Ever
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