066 – The One with the Dream (Final)

Raylin found himself in a strange place, well maybe not as strange as the soul space, but still this place was strange.

It was dark, immeasurably so, the entire world he could see, seemed to have never seen the light of day, yet oddly he was able to see everything, with perfect clarity.

‘Am I dreaming?’ Raylin wondered to himself, he could never recall having a dream such as this one.

But since he found himself incaple of moving, basically forced to act as a silent observer, he guessed that it was perhaps a dream.

The darkness was different in this place, it was hard to describe, the sky above was this canvass of nothing, not even a simple twinkle of a star broke through the dark canopy, even the grainy sands that littered the ground were coloured in the darkness.

It made Raylin furrow his brow all the more at the fact that he could see, his common sense was shouting at him, telling him that it was impossible, yet he could…

He didn’t get to give it much thought when he spotted a
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