Chapter Sixteen: Welcome to Daoxi

Daoxi Province was exactly how Liu Liling had imagined it. It stretched out for several kilometers in each direction, and had quite bountiful flora and fauna. Many multi-storeyed buildings populated the main town, designed to reflect the affluence of the capital. With a population of over ten thousand people with a majority of them being traders, Daoxi, the capital town of the province was a thriving merchant town. Hundreds of traveling merchants moved in and out of the town daily through huge steel gates, bringing in various goods and articles from foreign lands to sell at largely affordable prices to the locals. Most of the town's houses were painted a dark brown that was just a shade shy of red. That seemed to be the town's color as a good portion of the population wore clothing of a similar color.

There were more eye-catching things about Daoxi though, one of which was the local dishes of the natives. Some were exotic and exquisite to both sight and taste, while some looked li
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