Chapter 23 Act 101

Aphrodite’s POV

Having my power decreased affects my job as a goddess. I have to pull an all-nighter just to finish some of my work.

Going on this mundane job is an effort I need to do too. Why am I doing this?

The office is a bit noisy this morning. Few of the female employees are talking loudly like news broke the whole country or something.

Actually, I really hated noise. Back in Mt. Olympus, I even ask them to build my temple far away from my sisters, because I know that they will pester me every day. I just don’t know why my sisters have a lot of free time to do that.

William goes to the office a little bit early today, and I just can’t wake up that early.

I got my coffee right now and I guess mortal’s coffee can wake the hell out of you.

As I reach for my office table, I heard something from the two women who just came from the pantry.

“Did you see it?&rdquo

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