Fight Me, Aphrodite!

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Fight Me, Aphrodite!

By: Aoi OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 25 views: 2.3K

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A brokenhearted man meets the Goddess of Love. Can she mend his broken heart? Aphrodite, goddess of love is very good with her job in setting up human's love affair, will she succeed in helping the poor William to find his own partner in life?

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  • Cold Hime


    this story is interesting ...️ looking forward for more! ...️

    2022-05-26 14:20:35
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25 chapters
Chapter 1 Tired
William's POV_ "I'm sorry, Will. I’m sorry, I can't."Violin, I realized, simply frictions a high–pitched shrill, already hurting my ears.I watched her hand push the little red box back to me. Yes, I proposed to her. Yes, I wanted to spend my whole life with her. Yes, she declined – Rejected. She rejected my proposal. Yes, the accompanying musicians I hired are definitely not helping my mood despite me, paying exactly to make it romantic."Did I choose a mismatched ensemble, again?" I looked at my shirt, striking pinstripes of cream overlaying its midnight blue hue. This is a cotton blend and it cost me half of the last week's paycheck. Why did I think she will say yes again?What about all those years together? All the nights we spend together? Saying I love you’s."No. That's a good shirt." She stood up, her figure in a flowy red dress – now, looming over me. She adjusted her ha
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Chapter 2 Moving On?
William's POV_ I've been like this for fifteen minutes.Hands stuck in midair as I was trying to type. Today has been mundane, like any other day of my life. But nothing I usually do every day registered. My head can't wrap itself yet around what happened.I glanced at the phone sitting beside my laptop. Metal, cold, and still. Waiting for "Let's have lunch." or "I'll cook dinner tonight." messages to flash. I am still in denial, I admit. But managing to go to work, function like a compensated human being weirded me out. I, myself, am aware I will barely move a muscle if it was true. I blinked several times, stopping heaviness weighing my eyes shut."Hey, Will
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Chapter 3 Irritated Goddess
Aphrodite's POV_ I never wanted to kill somebody this bad. Not until today."Goddess of Love, and she doesn't know about moving on?" Athena yelped as she cackled even more. That's very unladylike, I do hope she's not drunk. I rolled my eyes. "Aphrodite hasn't even fallen in love for who knows how many eons ago." Artemis tried to stifle the laughter and wiped the tears on her already wet cheeks."What about Heppy? Hephaestus is a kind man. Aren't you two going out?" Athena smirked."Shut up, both of you. And Athena, don't drag Hephaestus in this conversation. He's kind, I know. But he's just a friend, no
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Chapter 4 Father and Daughter
William's POV_ If there's one thing I hated whenever I drank beer, it is the hangover. That tang taste on my tongue and my ridiculous headache. It's a good thing it's the weekend. I can wake up whenever I want.And being single means no date at weekend and no plans for anything.Good.I'll just stay on my bed and stare at the ceiling of this room. I can actually stay until evening doing nothing. Not unless I didn't feel hungry.I feel my stomach crumbling as if asking me to cook even it's just noodles.My fridge is almost empty. I can see only two cans of le
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Chapter 5 Tie the Knot
Aphrodite's POV_ "WHAAAAAT-?!!!"The whole room becomes tense after my reaction. I just can't believe it.I never really imagine what should be my reaction about this. What happens to my father suddenly thinks about marriage.Marriage? Hephaestus?I glared at Hephaestus once I think about his name. What did he do? Father should have forgotten this topic, eons ago.Why now?"Father, you seem to forget what we talk about the last time. I said I'm not gonna marry Hephaestus. I like him, but not as a lover. He'
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Chapter 6 His Miserable Heart
Aphrodite's POV_ I fight back my amusement after Hephaestus said those words.I don't remember him saying he likes me and that other same stuff.I'm looking at him, dumbfounded.Fighting the urge to launch myself and strangle him. Should I take him down here? Can I even do that when my father is here?"Oh! A very honest guy! I really like that!"My father can't hide his delight. He's enjoying his own idea."Hephaestus! What are you saying?" I shouted at him.

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Chapter 7 Panic
Aphrodite's POV "So you mean, he suddenly called you and open the topic about marriage again?"I can't believe what I'm hearing from Hephaestus.We're both sitting on a bench inside the palace's garden, and wow catching up with each other, it's been hundreds of years since the last time we talk."I can never understand Lord Zeus. Why he's so eager to give you away. Maybe he's worried?" I can see the concern on his face, knowing Heppy, he might be thinking I'm sad and alone."Hold it, I'm totally fine. You don't have to worry. I'm fine being single. I can always deal with it." I smiled at him; I just hope he b
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Chapter 8 Confrontation
Aphrodite's POV   "My name is Venus." I smiled so much and I thought I'm showing my whole teeth to them. I'm so glad I arrived on time. Or this stupid guy will be in much danger or embarrassment. I know something bad will happen to him once he confronts this woman. Well, I knew she's cheating. Because despite what I write about her love life plan, she chooses not to follow all of it. Humans can be so stupid when they are not contented with the good things they got. I feel sorry about this guy. I should prepare good stuff for him in the future. I'm surprised when I felt his hand on my shoulder. Did he get my plan then? Good. "Yes, Vera. She's my girlfriend."
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Chapter 9 The Hands-on Goddess
Aphrodite's POV   "My name is Venus." I smiled so much and I thought I'm showing my whole teeth to them. I'm so glad I arrived on time. Or this stupid guy will be in much danger or embarrassment. I know something bad will happen to him once he confronts this woman. Well, I knew she's cheating. Because despite what I write about her love life plan, she chooses not to follow all of it. Humans can be so stupid when they are not contented with the good things they got. I feel sorry about this guy. I should prepare good stuff for him in the future. I'm surprised when I felt his hand on my shoulder. Did he get my plan then? Good. "Yes, Vera. She's my girlfriend." Looking up to him, I can see much how affected he is. How sad his eyes look. He really likes this girl. Somehow I feel responsible for this. I did make him fall for her, somehow. "I-I can't believe you got a new girlfriend so early, William! I didn't ex
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Chapter 10 Morning with the Goddess
Aphrodite's POV   I'm pissed, I'm way more irritated. How dare he say those words to me? Me, the Goddess of Love meddling with people's business? If only I can throw away this tiresome job I did eons ago! In the first place, I didn't know why I ran from Mt. Olympus just to save this human from embarrassing himself. I'm tired of rewriting every single plan for him. I don't have time for all of this. I can just introduce myself and then proceed with deleting his memory. I can't really hide my powers to him, am I scaring him so much. I can really see how confused he is. Is he not afraid of me? "What are you? What are you-" he stops talking as soon as I walk towards him. I stopped time, though I can only do that temporarily since grandfather is the god of time. It's just to make an impression on him and he should feel afraid. "Listen to me human, my name is Aphrodite, the Goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, pas
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