
And so, Ruh told me his story and how he had met Rick and Sofie.

Ruh, as I had guessed, was once a warrior, or rather, a knight belonging to an order called "Lion's Heart". This order, as the name suggests, was made up of the bravest knights of the Saar region, and was born about seventy years before my arrival in that world.

When this order of knights was born, this world was at the dawn of the advance of the Plagues armies, especially the first Plague from the north, in the Saar region.

All the craziest and most complicated missions that were devised to try to stop the Plagues were given to the knights of this order.

Ruh was born in a small town northwest of a few inhabitants named Vidù. This town fell to the First Plague army when Ruh was only 8 years old. Almost all the inhabitants of Vidù were massacred.

Ruh was one of the few who escaped this massacre, hiding in time by his parents in a secret underground closet. Ruh, that day, from that closet, heard the screams and the bodies
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