Chapter 65

Chapter 65

"Healer! It is not possible to cast holy protection before engaging in combat, is it? Because this fucking fire attack causes such excruciating pain, it feels as though my dick is on fire. Fucking fire. Damn you!"

"Shut up! I am taking more damage than you. Why on earth are you making such a big deal about this?"

"Can you kindly be quiet?"

She was on the edge of loosing her temper as she stood by and watched the tank and the damage dealer engage in combat with each other as the healer observed from a distance. "If you two do not put an end to your fighting and continue to yell at one other, I will allow you both to perish," the speaker said.

The tank turned around and was about to utter some words when he became aware of the presence of a new person. At that moment, he became aware of their presence. "Who the living hell are you talking to?"

He made a loud whistling motion with two of his fingers and waved his hand in the general direction of the solitary person who was mov
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