Thomas's plan

The hairs on his neck suddenly stood up. He felt something was wrong in that place. He rubbed his nape. The image of the ghost he saw last night suddenly appeared in his memory.


Shortly after, he was startled by a sudden loud noise. By reflex, he took a position to run. In fact, almost issued a thousand feet. However, when he saw the shape of the voice, he finally gave up his mind.

"Damn it! It's not funny," said Thomas.

"Hahaha... You're scared, aren't you?" asked the man.

"Heh, it's good. I've never been afraid of things like that," Thomas said proudly.

"Your style."

"Never mind. Let's go to class! Instead of having the ghost come here, you might faint later," said Thomas. The person just chuckled.

Yes, he is Rio. I don't know what he meant by playing prank on Thomas. Maybe he was just bored because he didn't have work, so he had the idea to do something like that to Thomas.

After the two of them left there, there was a very strange incident in the toilet. The water faucet that had been turned off suddenly turned. Not only that, afterwards a creepy female figure appeared who was standing in the corner of the toilet where Thomas had defecated earlier.


"Oi, you said you wanted to tell me about last night's incident," said Rio during the break.

"Are you sure you want to hear?" he asked.

"Yes. Sure."

"Okay, don't blame me if you guys are scared," Thomas warned.

Around him were several people ready to listen to his story. There were Rio, Sendy, Miya and several other people. Now, Thomas is like an object of observation, where all eyes are on him.

"Actually, a lot of strange things happened last night. The first when it was still afternoon. The pot in my house fell twice. I don't know who dropped it," said Thomas.

"Definitely a ghost," said Rio.

"Well, maybe. Then the second time was when my father came home. At that time I saw a female ghost who was riding in my father's car," said Thomas again.

"Hiii ... Then, what about your father?" asked Miya.

"Dad's okay. It's just that the car was left outside the house last night. I asked," said Thomas.

"Oh, then?"

"Then the third, and this is the scariest," said Thomas.

Some of them gulped their own spit. There was a feeling of confusion within them. Between still want to continue to listen to the story or decide to end it. If it continued, they would definitely be scared. However, if it is not continued, then curiosity is what they will feel.

"Last night when I fell asleep, I woke up to the sound of people crying," said Thomas.

"That must be a ghost, not a person," said Sendy.

"Listen first! Yes, it's a ghost. But because I was curious, I looked for the origin of the sound. I can already confirm that the sound is coming from outside the house," said Thomas.

"So what?"

"Yeah, that's where the scary incident happened. When I peeked through the window of the house, the ghost's face appeared right in front of me. If my body wasn't stiff, I might have taken a photo of the ghost's face to show you," said Thomas.

"Crazy! Ghosts even want to be photographed," said Rio. Thomas just laughed softly.

While the others were silent. It seems true, they are frightened. Thomas had also suspected from the start that something like this would happen. And now, his suspicions were actually proven.

"Do you want to continue listening? There is one more thing that I haven't told you yet," said Thomas.

"Ha? Anything else?" he asked.

"Yes. It happened right when I wanted to go back to sleep. I had just braked, as if I heard a voice calling my name and telling me to wake up. A woman's voice. Maybe it's a ghost," said Thomas.

"Why is your house suddenly haunted? Even though I didn't feel like before," said Rio.

"It's not my house that's haunted, but the appearance of the ghost that makes my house haunted. Therefore, we must unravel this mystery," said Thomas.

That was Thomas' wish from the start. He really wanted the ghost problem to end soon. But what happened? All of that is just wishful thinking. He didn't have the courage to do it.

"How can we dismantle it, Thomas? Even you are still scared when you see the ghost," said Rio.

"Huff... That's the problem. If the ghost could change into a young and beautiful woman, I definitely wouldn't be afraid," said Thomas.

"Hmm... Then, I want to sleep with a ghost," said Sendy. Everyone chuckled.

"Actually, I have an assumption. But, until this assumption is actually proven, I don't want to talk about it. If you are afraid, tonight I will try to unravel this mystery alone. Hopefully I can get a hint," said Thomas.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Thomas nodded.

For him, fear is of course there. But if he just sits there without doing anything, then he must be prepared to be terrorized every night by the ghost.


In short, night fell. With all the courage he has, Thomas plans to face the ghost one on one. He was sure that tonight the ghost would come again to scare him.

Until 9 pm, he was still waiting for the ghost to appear. But tonight felt different. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened in his house. There is no sound of falling objects or bad weather either. Even when his father came home, he did not see any ghost sightings again.

"I'm ready. Whatever happens, I can't be afraid," Thomas said as he exhaled.

Meanwhile, in another place, Rio was seen sitting alone on the sofa in his living room playing games on his cell phone. The atmosphere of the house is quite quiet, who knows where the other occupants are.


In his preoccupation with playing the game, he suddenly heard someone calling him. A woman's voice, maybe his mother. But the problem is that he knows that his mother is not at home.

"Who is it? Isn't the other mother and mother not at home?" asked Rio to himself.

His face looks scared. He was already thinking strange things. Disgust also crossed his mind. Most of his family members leave him alone at home. Even in a village that is still being terrorized by spirits.

Moments later, the voice sounded again. This time his voice sounded scarier than before. A soft and smooth voice, but the tone sounded really terrible.


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