Fighting towards the third warehouse

Bai Feng and his team had the upper hand, but that didn't mean they were winning.

The guards and formations weren't meant to defend the warehouse, but to delay the attackers by constantly slowing them down, so the apostles could come and team up with the formation and guards.

Bai Feng knew that lingering around here was going to be a bad idea, plus, the original was alerted now, so that meant the third and fourth warehouses were going to be extra defended, and they would have to fight some apostles for sure.

He wasn't sure if she was going to descend personally, but there was a chance that could happen as well unless the copy had an ace under its sleeve that she didn't say anything about for a situation like this.

Bai Feng liked surprises, and he hoped he would be surprised.

Bai Feng whistled, making his team take a formation as they hastily dodged to the side.

Bai Feng's muscles became extremely defined as veins popped up on his whole arm w

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