Absorbing Lifeforce

Clover looked inside him at the obelisk fragment in the white space. The fragment of the obelisk was irregularity shaped without any well-defined dimensions. It was like a block of twisted metal and it could not look any more ugly. Anybody that saw this object would never have thought that it was a fragment of the legendary artifact, the obelisk.

Right now, the fragment revolved on its own axis while giving off a dull resplendent glow as it floated while suspended in the air. Looking at it, the fragment could not look any less remarkable. The only thing that stood out about the fragment was the faint mysterious air that surrounded it.

After looking at the fragment for a moment, Clover quickly turned his gaze away. This was not the first time Clover was seeing the obelisk fragment, as it had been with him for more than a hundred years. In all this time, the fragment had not changed, and it remained exactly the same unless for a few rare occasions.

This time, what clover was interested
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