No cores, no glasses

Rafael who was inside shook his head sadly. He imagined the pains the inexperienced Regin was although he still had some resentment towards him he felt bad for himself and pity for the inexperienced Regin It was indeed a very sad thing that his ones only friend had forgotten about him. Jerry also nursed similar feelings. He knew it would be impossible to explain to Levi that there was a time they were teleported to another planet. He also wondered if Erica had forgotten already.

Regin stood up abruptly while Rafael jumped forward immediately to replace him.

"So there will never be a time we would sit together and remind ourselves of all we experienced in the gate fairy's manor" Rafael hissed.

"What's the matter with you both." Levi who noticed the sudden change in countenance of his two and queried but got no good reply. He did not bother pursue the issue further.

Afterwards, they helped Rafael get his luggages ready for the transition then they left the room.

"Let's join this queue
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