The Arrival

The nocturnal bus journeyed deeper into the stygian wilderness, as the last vestiges of twilight vanished from the horizon. Through the window, Fin gazed upon the celestial expanse, speckled with countless glittering constellations. The dense, leafy foliage of the forest and jagged rocks were obscured by the enveloping darkness, rendering them indistinct and eerie.

"And that's precisely what the Deathless one is waiting for, a chance to breach the Treaty," interjected Frost, his tone sardonic.

"He wasn't the sole practitioner of magic in his generation," Samantha added, her voice reverberating with reverence and conviction, as she recounted out the tale she'd learned by heart. "There was another, a valiant champion named Radiant Storm, who was slightly older than us, but she fought valiantly against the Deathless one and we were gaining ground. Unfortunately, the Deathless one committed the most heinous act imaginable." Lowering her voice, Samantha continued, "All knew that a great ba
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