Yuki Flannagan

When Killian's little daughter was born, she opened her eyes completely in sync with her world, only in a less aggressive way than her sister Brianna had.

Killian who was looking at her daughter held her in her hands and kissed her on her forehead, before her wives kidnapped her daughter from her arms.

Shpresa could only sadly watch as her daughter was taken away from her however, this did not last long when the little baby teleported into the arms of her mother, Killian laughed and patted Alicia and Monica on the back .

"Don't worry, in a few more months our children will be born, also thanks to Brianna our children will be gods so I think it will be difficult to maintain order when we are still human.

Maybe the only good thing is that Brianna and her sister will have to put order in her brothers, but now the most important thing is to name my daughter. "

The baby who was in her mother's arms turned her head and looked at her father seriously only to say "Yuki Flannagan"

Olivia flash
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